Recently, the Coast Mountains School District website was updated to include a new ticker and custom page that provides information related to bussing.
Beginning in January 2024, these two new website features will be the primary method for school district communications related to updates on bussing within the school district. The school district will no longer use the News feature on the website to highlight information about cancellations and delays. Schools themselves may continue use Social Media platforms, email or other methods to stay in touch with their families about bussing updates.
The ticker is found at the top of the page and gives the current number of BUS CANCELLATIONS and DELAYS as reported by our transportation partner Diversified Inc.
Also, there is an option to click on VIEW BUS ROUTES which links to a custom page that provides detailed information about all bus runs in Coast Mountains School District, including the run number, community and schools served, the most recent status update for each bus, and any notes pertaining to service.
Questions regarding transportation should first be directed to the School Principal, followed by the Operations Manager at Diversified Inc (250-635-7042), and finally to the school district’s Transportation Department (250-638-4418).